Nouns do not describe, nouns are persons, places, things, or ideas. Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Some adjectives to describe desert:hotdrylonelybeautifuldangerousinterestingbrightvastshimmeringgritty
The noun 'love' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for an emotion; a word for a thing.The word 'love' is also a verb: love, loves, loving, loved.
Silicon is a noun. Verbs don't describe nouns, adjectives describe nouns.
Nouns do not describe; adjectives are the describing words for nouns. The word moon is a noun, some adjectives that describe the moon are: bright, cool, round, full, half, new, crescent, or autumn.
Some nouns that are synonyms for the noun military are:armycorpforcelegionofficertroops
Some synonyms for the noun hate are:abhorrenceanimosityanimusantipathyaversiondetestationenmityill willloathingmalevolencerancorrepugnance
Nouns do not describe, nouns are persons, places, things, or ideas. Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Some adjectives to describe desert:hotdrylonelybeautifuldangerousinterestingbrightvastshimmeringgritty
Canada is a noun and verbs do not describe nouns. Adjectives describe nouns, verbs show actions - walk run talk - or states - love hate like
Nouns do not describe something. You are looking for adjectives. For example, some adjectives that describe a daughter might be:disciplinedlovelycarelessbeautifulhyperactiveblue-eyedtalladventurousyoungtalkativeabsent-mindedcurious
The noun 'love' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for an emotion; a word for a thing.The word 'love' is also a verb: love, loves, loving, loved.
Nouns do not describe. They name a person, place, or thing. Adjectives are words that describe nouns.Some adjectives for cats:cuddlyfluffylazyplayfulsillysly
Nouns are not describing words; adjectives are the words that describe nouns. Some adjectives that describe the noun zebras are:wildbeautifulfour leggedstrippedAfricanequineherbivorousmammalian
Some nouns you may use for your dad:citizenfathergrandfatherhuman beinghusbandmalemanpapapersonpoprole modelsupporter
The word calculator is a noun and verbs don't describe nouns. Verbs show actions or states egaction -- run walk talk listen beg jumpstate -- love hate knowBut adjectives describe nouns. Here are some adjectives that could be used to describe the noun, calculator:new, black, expensive, old, scientific.
Silicon is a noun. Verbs don't describe nouns, adjectives describe nouns.
Nouns do not describe something. You are looking for adjectives. For example, some adjectives that describe a daughter might be:disciplinedlovelycarelessbeautifulhyperactiveblue-eyedtalladventurousyoungtalkativeabsent-mindedcurious
You can't use nouns to describe things. You can use "nice" to describe nouns though as it is an adjective.E.G. That car looks nice