Some words and phrases that use the word 'name' are:
code name
good name
given name
name tag
domain name
maiden name
my name
there's a name for that
name your price
what's in a name
you give --- a bad name
Worry wart Why worry? No worries!
turn the other cheek
connect the dotsconnecting flightsthere's a disconnect between . . .a failure to connectto connect with someone
grand slam. grand scheme of things. grand total. 1 grand
Note that the term antonym is normally applied to a single word that has the opposite meaning of some other single word; once you start using phrases such as "wallowing in sadness" you can still suggest phrases with an opposite meaning, but a phrase is not an antonym. So, the opposite of wallowing in sadness would be getting on with your life, or living in the present.
pig out put out
Your query was dploan, with a word limit of 1, a and I included. Here are some phrases that can be made from that query: No phrases listed? Try again using a larger word limit. -Andy's anagram solver
diamond in the rough
"at school taking a test"
Cut it out!Who cut the cheese?
Worry wart Why worry? No worries!
check book
There are various transition phases during the teen ages. This is a sentence using the word transition phrases.
One common phrase I know using the word house is "a house is a house is a house is a house..."This one is on the house. (meaning free of charge)goin' to the big house (prison)