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Vanity Fair by Sylvia Plath

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Q: What are some poems with the theme of vanity?
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Some poems with bereavement as a theme are: Book of Ecclesiates - A Time for Everything, Do Not Go Gentle Into That Light, Remember, Epitaph Upon A Child That Died.

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Crapsey's and Plath's poems both address the theme of death.

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Yes, the quote "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity" comes from the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible. It reflects the theme of the fleeting nature and emptiness of worldly pursuits and possessions.

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Some poems related to 'love betrayed' within the theme of Plena Timoris include "The Waste Land" by T.S. Eliot, "When You Are Old" by W.B. Yeats, and "Neutral Tones" by Thomas Hardy. These poems explore the theme of love that has been broken or disillusioned.

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The Best Poems Ever . what is the theme?

There is no such thing as the best poem. It is all very subjective. The best poems can have any number of themes.