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thaumaturge, thaumaturgy, thaumatology

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Q: What are some words containing the Greek derivative thaum?
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What are words containing the Greek root faith?

Some words containing the Greek root "faith" include confidence, fidelity, and infidel.

From what word is 'archetype' a derivative?

The noun 'archetype' is a Greek derivative. Its origins trace back to the ancient Greek language of the classical Greeks. The root words are archein, which means 'old'; and typos, which means 'model'. The combined meaning is 'original pattern or model'.

What English word derives from the Greek or Latin for 'excited behavior'?

Frenzy is the English derivative of the words for 'excited behavior' in the ancient classical and the even older classical Greek languages. In Latin, the word is 'phreneticus'. In Greek, the word is 'phrenetikos'.

What is a sentence using the word derivative?

English has many derivative words.

What is the Greek root 'phon-' in English?

Sound is the meaning of the Greek root 'phon-'. An English derivative is 'phonograph', which literally mens 'sound writer'. A Latin derivative is the masculine gender noun 'phonascus', which means 'teacher of singing'.

What is the Greek prefix 'anti-' in English and Latin?

"Against" is the English equivalent of the Greek prefix "anti-." The preposition contra is the Latin equivalent. An English derivative of the Greek prefix is the noun "antagonist." An English derivative of the Latin equivalent is the adjective "contrary."

what Greek words Tens derived from?

I'm not quite sure if this is what you're asking, but the numerical root derivative used for the number ten used in the English language is "deca"

Is the prefix 'lith-' a Greek or Latin root syllable?

The prefix 'lith-' is a Greek root syllable that means 'stone'. A Greek derivative is the noun 'lithos', which means 'stone'. English derivatives include the adjective 'lithic', which means 'of or relating to stone'; and the verb 'lithify', which means 'to turn to stone'. Additionally, the term for the crust or outer part of our planet Earth is an English derivative of the Greek root. The noun 'lithosphere' results from the combination of the Greek words for 'stone' and 'sphere'.

What are words containing the word you?

words containing the "you": your youth young

What words derive from 'Ares'?

Ares is the Greek god of war. He's known to the ancient Romans as Mars. A Greek derivative of the original Greek name is Areopagus, which is the Hill dedicated to Mars in Athens, Greece. An English derivative is the noun areodesy, which is the 'science of measuring the size and shape of Mars, and measuring exact points on the Martian surface'.

What is an example of a sentence using the word derivative?

This is an example of a sentence using the word derivative. The teacher liked it when the student used the derivative of the trash words

What is the derivative of 5x-1?

The idea is to use the addition/subtraction property. In other words, take the derivative of 5x, take the derivative of 1, and subtract the results.