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Q: What are the adjectives in this sentence Some western towns actually hold rattlesnake roundups?
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What is a sentence with the word rattlesnake?

Example sentence - We had our first encounter with a diamondback rattlesnake while we were hiking.

What are the adjectives in this sentence?

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssstinnnnnnnnneeeeeeee There are no adjectives.

What do adjectives and adverbs do to a sentence?

Adjectives and adverbs help describe your sentence in more detail.

Where are adjectives located in a sentence?

Adjectives can be almost anywhere in a sentence, as long as it is modifying or describing a noun.

Importance of adjective in a sentence pattern?

Adjectives help the sentence to be specific. You can add adjectives to nouns or verbs.

What are the adjectives in That night they ran an extension cord from the nearby house and watched movies on a VCR?

The adjectives in the sentence are "nearby" and "VCR".

Which nouns are acting as adjectives or proper adjectives in this sentence Without a television set you spend more time doing things as a family unit?

Television and family are the only adjectives in the sentence. There are no proper adjectives.

Can you give me a sentence for the word charm?

Example sentence - His daughters have all the charm of a rattlesnake.

What are the adjectives in the sentence he ran off to put on a clean shirt?

The adjectives are clean

What is a sentence using the word warily?

I eyed the rattlesnake warily.

How many adjectives are in this sentence billy made a rude noise in class?

5 adjectives

What are the adjectives in this sentence It was noisy and crowded?

The adjectives are noisy and crowded, describing an unnamed place.