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tngnamo gago wala namang sagot

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Q: What are the examples of discriptive adjective?
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Is Steak a noun or verb or adjective or adverb?

noun, it is a thing. a verb is what you do and an adjective is discriptive words

What is discriptive adjective?

No, but descriptive is. Descriptive means describing as in "He gave a very descriptiveminute by minute account of his adventure"

What is an adjective give 10 examples of adjective?

An adjective is a word that modifies (describes) a noun. Examples of adjectives:adorablebadcolddeliciouseasyfrostygreenhappyignorantjealous

Why discriptive is important?

vwegnhmgvfj,rfh and that is what a discriptive paragraph means and this answer has been given to u by 2 FIVE YEAR OLDS!

What are examples of adjective modifier?

Examples of an adjective modifier is a word that gives more detail about the adjective. Some examples are very, moderately, slowly, quite, etc. These modifiers can also be numbers.

Can you give 30 examples of adjective?

Examples of adjectives are:ampleannualbluecarefuldeliciouselusivefreshgoodgrandhappyicyjealouskeenlooseluckymortgagednoticeableoriginalovalpolitequietrosysordidsplendidtrueuglyvaguewetyellowzealous

Discriptive word with k?

Kind or kinky.

What is the 5 examples of adjective?


A and and the are examples of this type of adjective?

"a" and "the" are not adjectives. These are examples of what we call article(s).

What are examples of modifier?

Examples of an adjective modifier is a word that gives more detail about the adjective. Some examples are very, moderately, slowly, quite, etc. These modifiers can also be numbers.

Is fat tom a discriptive noun?

A:yes it should be