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Q: What are the falling action of the story of the two brothers?
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What is the concept of revenge in the story of two brothers by maupassant?

just to get back at someone that took there glory or power away and that person or people want it back

What is a plot diagram?

A Map Of A Story's Structure, Example. The Plot And Series Of Events Surrounding The Main Character(s) A plot Diagram is when you list things from a book or story and you have to match them up with the term that best describes each one: 1) Expostion - the beginnning of the story where everything starts 2) Rising Action - things start getting tense and conflicted 3) Climax - the point of maximum action, where everything happens 4) Falling Action - things start winding down and getting explained 5) Resolution - everything is wrapped up and the story is ended Think if the diagram as a large triangle, with each of the first two rising toward the point and each of the last two falling away toward the baseline again.

Climax of the story May Day eve?

The climax is the height of the action and also the turning point in a story, imagine a pyramid, climbing up would be the rising action, the top of the pyramid would be the climax, then you would have to go down and that's the turning point and the falling action, hope that helped. it is a kalbo that is a long hair and rebond The part you's want to read most! the most exciting part! the part you took the story to read for!

What is one example of using a new medium to interpret this original work?

A movie about two brothers. (apex)

What is the rising action of the invalid's story?

i think the rising action is when the two men first start to smell the cheese. But they dont know what it is from and where it was comming from.

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What is the falling action in the story amigo broers?

In "Amigo Brothers" by Piri Thomas, the falling action occurs after the boxing match between the two friends, Antonio and Felix. The falling action reveals that their friendship remains strong despite the outcome of the match, and they continue to support and respect each other as they move forward.

What are the falling action of the two brothers?

In "The Two Brothers," the falling action occurs when the younger brother is transformed into a deer by the older brother's curse, and the older brother realizes the consequences of his actions. The resolution comes as the older brother searches for his younger brother, eventually finding him and facing the truth of what he has done. The story ends with the brothers reconciling and the curse being lifted.

What event might be the falling action of a story in which two kingdoms are at war?

protagonist and antagonist.

What are rising action in the story of two brothers?

In the story of two brothers, the rising action typically involves the events that build tension and develop the conflict between the two siblings. This can include disagreements, competitions, misunderstandings, or significant choices that lead to escalating conflicts between the brothers. The rising action sets the stage for the climax of the story where the conflict reaches its peak.

What is the falling action of dragon dragon?

After the sword fell cutting off the dragon's head, the two older brothers crawled out of the dragon. The youngest brother was rewarded by getting half of the kingdom and the princesses hand in marriage. This is the falling action of Dragon Dragon as it happens after the climax and ends in the resolution of the story.

What is the conflict of the story of two brothers?


Where is the setting of the story of two brothers?

The setting for The Story of Two Brothers is agricultural. The majority of the story takes place on a farm in which the characters help take care of.

What is two of the falling action in The Cay?

Timothy dieing after the hurricane

What are the last two pieces of a plot?

The last two pieces of a plot are the falling action and the resolution. The falling action occurs after the climax and shows the consequences of the climax, leading towards the resolution where the main conflict is resolved and loose ends are tied up.

Did they reconcile in the story of the two brothers?

No, in the story of the two brothers, they did not reconcile. The younger brother's efforts to make amends were rejected by the elder brother.

What is the story of the two brothers?

The moral lesson of the Two Brothers is that blood is thicker than water. The two brothers were each other's keeper.

What is the rising action of The two brothers by rony diaz?

The rising action of "The two brothers" by Rony Diaz centers around the conflict between the two brothers, their opposing personalities and priorities, and their journey towards reconciliation. As they navigate their differences and confront external challenges, tensions build leading to a climax in the story.