Examples of synonyms for the verb 'acquire' are:accessamassannexattainbuycollectearngaingetget hands onget hold ofgrablandlatch ontopick upprocuresecuretaketake possession of
An apostrophe is placed: a) before the year, if it has to omit some numbers. Examples: 2011 - '11 2012 - '12 b) after the year, if it has to show possession. Examples: 1960's music 1970's fashion
In addition to pronouns, the words that show possession are possessive nouns.Possessive nouns indicate ownership, possession, purpose, or origin.Examples:I borrowed Jack's math book. (ownership)Please lower the radio's volume. (possession)The children's playground has been painted. (purpose)Mother's apple pie is the best. (origin)
Words have apostrophes to show possession or the omission of letters. Bob's hat, cat's paws, and Victor'shouse are examples of possessive nouns. Can't (cannot), don't (do not), and shouldn't (should not) are examples of contractions. In a contraction, the apostrophe is place where the omitted letter(s) would be.
Form Utility, Place Utility, Time Utility, Possession Utility, and Information Utility.
There are Six Utilities: Form Utility, Time Utility, Place Utility, Possession Utility, Information Utility, and Service Utility.
when you own something, that is a possession. Being able to use it for its intended purpose is utility.
Marketing's sole purpose is to convince consumers that a certain product will add to their overall utility, or satisfaction one gets from a good.
Possession utility means to do whatever is necessary to transfer ownership from one party to another, including providing credit, delivery, installation, guarantees and follow up services. Of course, this is in a marketing sense.
providing possession utility
5 examples of utility software are:Tuneup UtilityAdobe Flash playerMcAfee Virus ScanWinRARWinZIP
Examples of form utility could be: Say that you have a shop and your specialty is home-made cookies. Examples of form utility for your business would be using the best ingredients to make your cookies and providing your customers with fresh, warm cookies.
Life-saving procedures
Car buyers offer loans to buyers. real estate brokers.
5 examples of utility software are:Tuneup UtilityAdobe Flash playerMcAfee Virus ScanWinRARWinZIP