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Archaeologists study past human life through the detection and analysis of the physical effects of human activities.

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Q: What are the people who study remains of past human life called?
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What people study the remains of ancient people?

They are called anthropologist

What does archaeologiest study?

Archaeologists study past human societies by examining artifacts, structures, and other physical remains to understand how people lived in the past and how societies have evolved over time. They use various scientific methods and technologies to analyze and interpret these remains, providing valuable insights into the history and culture of ancient civilizations.

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What is archaology?

Archaeology is the study of human remains.

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They use DNA to compare human remains from the past with people living today

What are scientists who study the remains of past human life?

Scientists who study past human life are known as archaeologists or anthropologists. They analyze artifacts, fossils, and other remains to understand human behavior, culture, and evolution. Their work helps piece together the story of our ancient ancestors and how they lived.

What is the name for someone who studies bones?

Lots of professions study ancient bones. Within Archaeology there are osteoarchaeologists who study human remains and zooarchaeologists (or archaeozooologists) who study animal remains. Both these fields have alternative names depending on the particular aims of the research or the location of the researcher. For example people who study human remains may also be known as physical anthropologists or bioarchaeologists. Paleontologists also may study ancient bones which have been fossilized.