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it's about injustice.

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Q: What are the themes language structure on not my business about?
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Which is another use for themes in a speech?

Themes add structure to a speech.

Which is another use for themes in speech?

Themes add structure to a speech.

What are the themes language structure of After the Deluge by Wole Soyinka?

basically one of his themes is the corruption of a tyrant and how this tyrant has been stealing from the country (Nigeria) resources. In the end, his life was spared so that he can live the life of a normal human looking for water and food

This is the structure of language and the rules that go with it?

The structure of language refers to how words are organized and arranged to convey meaning. Rules of language, known as grammar, govern how words can be combined to form sentences. These rules include syntax (word order), morphology (word structure), and semantics (meaning).

How do you explain accounting as a language of business?

Accounting is often referred to as "the language of business."

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ok ok ok

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suggestive themes, language.

Which field of anthropology studies the language structure of seminoles?

Linguistic Anthropology studies the language structure of the Seminoles.

Which field of anthropology studies the language structure of the Seminoles?

Linguistic anthropology would study the language structure of the Seminoles. This field focuses on how language shapes and influences social life and cultural practices within a community.

What word go with this definition this is the structure of language and rules that go with it?

Grammar is the word that fits the definition of the structure of language and its associated rules. It includes syntax, morphology, semantics, and phonology, all of which govern how words and sentences are formed and used in a language.

What are these elements of an epic poem and structure and style Check all that apply.?

Epic themes and grandeur Heroic protagonist Supernatural elements and intervention Long narrative poem Formal language and elevated style