

Best Answer

i dont know what place this one comes in but its pretty dang long:

Ornicopytheobibliopsychocrystarroscioaerogenethliometeoroaustrohieroanothropoichthyopyrosiderochpnomyoalectryoophiobotanopegohydrorhabdocrithoaleuroalphitohalomolybdoclerobeloaxinocoscino dactyliogeolithonpessopsephrocatoptrotephraoneirochoonychodactyloarithstichooxogeloscogastrogyrocerobletonooenoscapulinaniac


The longest official word in the English language is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. however, there is a word used in American Chemical Society's Chemical Abstracts which is the chemical name for the "mosaic tobacco virus" which is:


This however has not been proved to be a real word, as its use has only ever been printed in use once, and has also never been spoken in conference with it's meaning.

the obscure length of the word comes from a part or the virus being broken down into all it's specfic parts, and each part being named.

If this format was used to name all things chemical, using a DNA sample as an example, after the breakdown into the separate parts, and then renamed, the name of the smaple could range from 1000 letters to over 1,000,000 letters.

Words being created in this way have therefor been abolished as real words, resulting in Pneumonoultrasilicovolcanoconiosis being the official longest word in the English language.

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