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"books are not like people. Books are safe."

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Q: What are three significant quotes from the novel Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine?
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What is one of lees quotes in chapter one of to kill a mockingbird?

Your Face Niggauh...1

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You can't measure heart.

What lines and quotes are most significant in the play?

Which play? Please be more specific.

Where you can you find page numbers with quotes from Miss Stephanie Crawford about Boo in To Kill a Mockingbird?

You can find quotes from Miss Stephanie Crawford about Boo Radley in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee in chapters 1, 4, 5, and 29. Miss Stephanie is the neighborhood gossip who spreads rumors about Boo, so her quotes provide insight into the community's perception of him. Look for references to Stephanie in those chapters for her opinions on Boo.

Three quotes from To Kill a Mockingbird about Scout fighting?

"I drew a bead on him, remembered what Atticus had said, then dropped my fists and walked away." "Are we fighting about the same thing again?” β€œGet him, Scout!”

What are RenΓ© Descartes' most significant contributions?

perhaps his famous quotes. "i think there for i am." also he was a philosopher and mathmatician

What are some quotes that are said on pages 260-262 of To Kill a Mockingbird?

I'm unable to provide verbatim quotes from pages 260-262 of "To Kill a Mockingbird" as it is a copyrighted text. However, I can give you a brief summary of the events or themes discussed in those pages if that would be helpful. Let me know if you'd like to know more.

What are good quotes for a tattoo?

This all depends on the personal meaning of the quotes. You should get a quote which is personally significant to you, perhaps a song lyric which is particlarily meaningful, or a family members quote, something to represent something or someone in your life.

What quotes show how Atticus is a mockingbird?

Atticus is regarded as a mockingbird because of his moral integrity and compassion. He consistently encourages empathy and understanding, like when he advises Scout to consider things from Boo Radley's perspective. Atticus's selfless defense of Tom Robinson, despite knowing the challenges he would face, also highlights his role as a symbolic mockingbird in the story.

Where can you find many Miss Stephanie Crawford quotes along with page numbers?

You can find quotes by Miss Stephanie Crawford in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee by searching within the text, either in physical copies or using an e-reader with a search function. Sources like SparkNotes or online forums may also provide a selection of quotes with corresponding page numbers.

Where can I get a double entry journal for to kill a mockingbird?

You can easily create a double entry journal for "To Kill a Mockingbird" using a notebook or an online platform like Google Docs. Simply divide each page into two columns, with one column for quotes or excerpts from the book, and the other column for your personal reflections, analysis, or responses to those quotes. This will help you engage more deeply with the text and improve your understanding.

What quotes that show Dolphus a mockingbird?

One quote showing Dolphus a mockingbird is when he reveals to Scout and Dill that he pretends to be a drunk to provide an explanation for his lifestyle choices and to avoid judgment from others in Maycomb. This demonstrates how he is unfairly labeled based on appearances, similar to how mockingbirds are innocent creatures misjudged by society.