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I think you mean the root word log- meaning "word"

Examples of words containing the root word log- are:





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Some words are:


log book




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Q: What are words containing the root word 'log'?
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What does the root word logo mean?

The same thing that the root word "log" means. "Log" and "logo" are derived from the Greek work that literally means word, but in the case of words like "logic," "log" could be better defined as reason. Here are some examples of words with the "log" or "logo" prefix: Logic Logolatry: the worship of reason Logomania: a mania for using words Logodaedaly: playing with words Logorrhea: a flux of words Logographer: a speech writer

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The Greek root word for logos is "logos" (λόγος), which translates to "word" or "speech." It is often used in philosophy and theology to refer to the principle of reason and rationality.

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The root "log" means word or study. This root is commonly found in words like "biology" (study of life) and "geology" (study of the earth).

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Log of square root of y?

log of the square root of 'y' = 1/2 sqrt(y)

What root words mean word or study?

Roots means the word a prefix, suffix, or word is derived from. Example: the root of arachnophobia is arachne- the Greek word for spider, and -phobia which is fear in Greek. It is basically how the word was formed.

Where did the word blog come fomo?

It was combined from the words "Web Log"