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Words like "Boom," "Bam," and "Slam," are called onomatopoeia

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Q: What are words that sound also reffered to?
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METEOROLOGY. But that's not in scientific form, its also reffered to as reconciliation. which my sound silly cause that is religious. But it is refferred to as that. The most common one is deportive transition. ~(:

What words have the same vowel sound as lumber?

The U in lumber has a short U vowel sound, as in the rhyming words number and encumber. Other short U words include duck, tub, mud, stuff, hum, nut, fuzz, and ugly. The sound is also seen in the OU words rough, tough, and enough. The A words "what" and "was" have a short U sound, as also in the words "does" and because.

What is the sound-alike spelling for way?

The words 'weigh' and 'way' sound alike but have different spellings. The words 'weight' and 'wait' also sound alike but have different spellings.

What kind of number is -17?

It is a negative number and can also be reffered to as an integer.

In a cell what is reffered to as the control room?

The nucleus.It also contains chromosomes with DNA.

Does walk have a short vowel sound?

The A is an AW sound called a caret O, also seen in talk (wawk, tawk). This sound appears in AU and AW words, and in some OR words which are pronounced with an "aw" sound in British English.

What words have the same vowel sound as crab?

Some words that have the same vowel sound as "crab" include "stab," "slab," and "grab."