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wild oat seeds

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Q: What became stuck on the turtle's legs before it crossed the highway?
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What year did green sea turtles become endangerd?

not all turtles are endanger mostly just the sea turtle

Can a person temporarily operate a farm tractor on the highway without a driver licence?

State laws vary widely. Some will only allow it on secondary highways, and almost all only allow it if the highway needs to be crossed when the highway transects the same owner's property. Check with your local Higway Patrol before doing this.

What has to be crossed before the neuron fires?

Generator potential

How did marine turtles become endangered?

Marine turtles became endangered by lots of their habitats and coastal area is disappearing. They also get tangled in the shrimp nets and drown, by being trapped in a net they suffer tumors. They became endangered from hunting which was before they were protected. When hatchlings are born often crabs, foxes or birds kill them. They are also threatened by humans which harvest their eggs.

What is the place slaves crossed before they were free?

Ohio River

How do the hunters hunt for the leather back turtles?

they wait until the nesting season when the turtles must come ashore , they then wait for the turtles to lay there eggs before attacking

Can you reuse the cement after it has crossed its setting time?

yes, if it is before the initial setting time...

When was Before Became After created?

Before Became After was created in 2003.

Who crossed to Atlantic ocean before Columbus?

Vasco Da Gamma

Do i have to cut my dreadlocks before i join the California Highway Patrol academy?

Yes. Cadets will need to cut their dreadlocks before the join the California Highway Patrol Academy.

Can you drive a truck with no overdrive on a highway the overdrive has to be looked at it is about an hour of driving on the highway?

Certainly. It's been done for years before overdrive became a thing... it just means you'll turn higher RPMs at speed, and you'll want to drive slower if you're conscious about fuel consumption. I had no problems when I took my 87 Silverado with a Muncie 465 direct drive transmission on the highway.

Do mother box turtles return to the nest after laying her eggs?

No, she cares less about the babies. She will even eat them when they hatch. That is why we separate baby turtles from adult turtles...even before they are born.