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Educating oneself is necessary for being a full participant in society.

George Washington stated that in order to have a democracy that the population needed to be educated and that the "welfare of the Republic depended on loyalty, vision, and skill of its citizens." The founding fathers discussed education and came to the agreement on one basic tenet that a republican form of government could not survive without an educated citizenry. The primary purpose of education is to enable the citizen to properly discharge his/her responsibilities as a member of a free society.

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In American culture having an education can afford you more opportunities. With an education, you can get higher paying jobs.

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What describes the importance of educating oneself in the US society?

Educating oneself is necessary for being a full participant in society.George Washington stated that in order to have a democracy that the population needed to be educated and that the "welfare of the Republic depended on loyalty, vision, and skill of its citizens." The founding fathers discussed education and came to the agreement on one basic tenet that a republican form of government could not survive without an educated citizenry. The primary purpose of education is to enable the citizen to properly discharge his/her responsibilities as a member of a free society.

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