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Q: What civilization originated the custom of using the symbolic tragedy or comedy masks?
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Which civilization originated the custom of using the symbolic tragedy or comedy masks?


Which civilization originated the custom of using the symbolic tragedy and or comedy masks?

The ancient Greeks originated the use of symbolic tragedy and comedy masks in their theatrical performances. Tragedy masks typically featured exaggerated expressions of sorrow and grief, while comedy masks portrayed exaggerated emotions of joy and humor. These masks helped actors convey emotions and also aided in defining characters in the play.

What some greek contributions to western civilization?

democracy; the Hippocratic Oath; tragedy and comedy; philosophy

What is the meaning 1.Comedy 2.Tragedy 3.Melodrama 4.Tragicomedy?

comedy is comedy tragedy is tragedy

Latin for comedy and tragedy?

Comedy is adveho and Tragedy is tragoedia

What is the name of comedy tragedy masks?

Comedy tragedy masks today have special names given to them. The comedy masks are called Thalia, after the muse of comedy, and the tragedy masks are named after Melpomene, the muse of tragedy.

What is the origin of the famous happy and sad 'drama masks'?

The happy and sad drama masks, known as comedy and tragedy masks, originated in ancient Greece. They represent the two main genres of ancient Greek theatre: comedy and tragedy. Comedy masks are associated with satire and laughter, while tragedy masks signify sorrow and drama.

Genre definition word for the word action?

The genre definition word for action is drama. Drama is a specific type of fiction that is conveyed via performance. The symbolic masks associated with drama are comedy and tragedy. They represent Thalia, the muse of comedy and Melpomene, the muse of tragedy.

What is the opposite of tragedy?

The opposite of tragedy is comedy. Comedy typically features light-hearted and humorous elements, as opposed to the serious and somber tone of tragedy.

The difference between tragedy and comedy plays?

Tragedy is sad, comedy is funny, or satirical.

Is twelfth night a comedy or a tragedy?

IT was a comedy.

Is guys and dolls a comedy or tragedy?

a comedy :)