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Q: What definition is this physical or social setting of communication?
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What is the term for the physical or social setting of communication?

Context is the physical or social setting of communication.

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Methods of dealing with inappropriate interpersonal communication between individuals in health and social care setting Methods of dealing with inappropriate interpersonal communication between individuals in health and social care setting

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What is the definition of definition setting?

The time, location, and social context in which a story takes place

How communication affect relationships in an adult social care setting?

Communication is very important in maintaining a relationship in an adult social care setting. All persons involved in this care will need to be able to share their thoughts and ideas as well as their interaction with the adult in the social care setting.

How communication affects relationships in an adult care setting?

Communication is very important in maintaining a relationship in an adult social care setting. All persons involved in this care will need to be able to share their thoughts and ideas as well as their interaction with the adult in the social care setting.

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What is the difference between a social and physical imprint?

Physical imprints - Physical characteristics of a nationality or race. Social imprints - traditions defined by your social setting, i.e. culture, economics, climate, etc.

What is the definition for social context?

The significant cultural issues affecting a story's setting or authorship.

A combination of your physical mental and social well-being defines what?

Having a physical, mental and social well being is the definition of being a healthy person.

How is sign language used in a health and social care setting?

As a means of communication for those with hearing difficulties.

What is the definition of social setting of powerful and powerless?

social setting is the condition of society or community that becomes the background of the story. The community or the society may be divided into groups such as powerless group and powerful group.