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Q: What definition of abnormal behavior is Tamara using?
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What definition of abnormal behavior is Bill using?

A+ legal definition

What best helps mental health professionals determine whether a behavior is abnormal?

It is NOT their duty to "Determine" if a Behavior is Abnormal. That's up to Society as a whole. It IS their Life's chosen duty to find the cause and treat the Psychological issues that cause the Socially Unacceptable or Abnormal Behavior. They Identify Abnormal Behavior using: Observation combined with thought, research, acquired knowledge, and collective reasoning. Abnormal Behavior may or may not be destructive to individuals or society as a whole. It may actually be beneficial to both.

What is the definition of health behavior inventory?

a responsible health decision using a behavior that is also safe

What perspective views the behavior itself as the problem Using the basic principles of learning these theorists see both normal and abnormal behaviors as responses to various stimuli?

Cognitive Intelligence

The power to command or influence thought opinion or behavior is the definition?

The power to command or influence thought, opinion, or behavior is known as persuasion. It involves using communication techniques to change attitudes or behaviors of others.

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word rudiment?

The rudiments of social behavior in children . The definition of the word is " A fundamental element , principle or skill , as of learning .

The power to command or influence thought opinion or behavior is the definition of which term?

The power to command or influence thought, opinion, or behavior is typically referred to as persuasion. It involves using various techniques to sway others towards a particular belief, idea, or action.

What research method did Sigmund Freud use while he gatheerd information to develop his theories of abnormal behavior?

Sigmund Freud primarily used the case study method to gather information and develop his theories of abnormal behavior. He conducted in-depth analysis of individual patients, using techniques like free association and dream analysis to uncover unconscious thoughts and conflicts. Freud's focus on individual cases allowed him to explore the complexities of psychopathology in depth.

What does flickted mean?

Not Right. Abnormal. Unbalanced, Using poor judgement.

What is the definition of pounced?

Pounced in animal behavior means leapt upon a prey or enemy with suddenness, and possibly surprise. Cats of all sizes are known to pounce using their strong rear legs.

What is explaining behavior?

As a verb, "explaining behavior" is the act of using words to explain a behavior. As an adjective, "explaining behavior" is the observable behavior in which a person tends to explain her/himself.

What is the definition for keyboarding?

Using a keyboard.