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Q: What did Ranofer see inside the tomb?
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Related questions

How was ranofer to trap the robbers?

He wedged stones into the tomb opening and all the escapes so they were trapped inside.

How was ranofer able to trap the robbers?

He wedged stones into the tomb opening and all the escapes so they were trapped inside.

Where does ranofer go with heqet?

Ranofer and Heqet go to the tomb of Queen Tuya to retrieve the hidden gold.

How did ranofer recognize whose tomb gebu and wenamon had entered?

Ranofer recognized Gebu and Wenamon's tomb by spotting the signet ring that had both their names engraved on it, which they had lost earlier in the story. This signet ring helped him make the connection to their tomb.

Why did ranofer go to the queen?

qa-nefer found him in the tomb and thought he was stealing

What was ranofer looking for in gebu room and what did he find?

he finds a golden goblet that was stolen from a tomb that laid in the tomb for 100s of years

Why did Ranofer visit his fathers tomb in the book The Golden Goblet?

because he felt like it

Where is the tomb on Nabooti Island?

The tomb is inside the Sphinx at Giza, on Nabooti Island. (see related question)

Describe the conversation of zau and ranofer in the golden goblet?

Zau and Ranofer talk about their plan to find gold in the tomb of the pharaoh and how they will split the treasure. Zau convinces Ranofer to let him use his skills as a carver to enter the tomb and search for the treasure. They also discuss the dangers and risks involved in their scheme.

How did heqet and the ancient help ranofer in golden goblet?

They gave him confidence in trying to stop Gebu and becoming a goldsmith. Also, near the end they guarded the entrance of the tomb or shaft while Ranofer looked for help.

Where did ranofer work?

Ranofer worked as an apprentice to a goldsmith in the novel "The Golden Goblet" by Eloise Jarvis McGraw. He also eventually finds work assisting a stone cutter in a tomb-building workshop in ancient Egypt.

How did gebu punish ranofer when ibni was no longer at the gold shop?

Gebu punished Ranofer by locking him in a tomb within the house and threatening him with harm if he attempted to escape or tell anyone about his situation. He also forced Ranofer to work even harder at the gold shop to make up for the lost worker, Ibni.