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They are both ugly like you

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Alexandrine Nienow

Lvl 10
1y ago
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12y ago

meggie was about to fall on her face and trip over a rock and all lat so if anyone wanna fight wassup

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Mrs. Awesome

Lvl 2
1y ago

being chose over her sister(A)

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Lvl 1
3y ago

Answer: First time maggie was chosen over dee

(i dont remember the exact answer, but it was close to that)

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Q: What different uses would Maggie and Dee have for the quilts in the story Everyday Use?
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How does mama choose to resolve the conflict over the quilts In the story Everyday Use?

She takes the quilts from Dee and gives them to Maggie. In the story, "Everyday Use," Dee and Maggie had a conflict over the quilts. Mama resolved the conflict by taking the quilts from Dee and giving them to Maggie, who would love them, use them and hand them down to the next generation.

In the short story Everyday Use by Alice Walker what artifact symbolizes Maggie's first triumph over Dee?

the quilts Apex

Who gets the quilts at the end of the story?

Maggie gets the quilts at the end of the story. Dee wants them as well, but Mama decides to give them to Maggie instead because she understands the sentimental value they hold for her.

In the short story everyday use by Alice Walker who does the narrator think will appreciatethe quilts more?

The narrator, Mama, thinks that Maggie will appreciate the quilts more as she plans to give them to her as a heritage to carry on their family traditions. Mama believes that Maggie understands the significance and history behind the quilts, while she sees Dee as viewing them as mere decorations.

Who is Maggie in the story everyday use?

Maggie is the shy daughter of Mrs. Johnson in the story Everyday Use.

What is the climax in the story everyday use by Alice Walker?

The climax in "Everyday Use" occurs when Dee wants to take the family quilts to hang them up as decorations. Mama, the narrator, initially agrees but then decides to give the quilts to Maggie, the sister who will put them to everyday use, leading to a moment of tension and realization about the value of heritage and tradition.

Who has the quilts at the end of the story Everyday Use?

meggie get the quilt at the end of the story

In the short story Everyday Use by Alice Walker why does the narrator think Maggie will appreciate the quilts more than Dee?

I just want free points

Who is the antagonist of Everyday Use?

The antagonist in "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker could be seen as Dee, also known as Wangero, the older daughter who is disconnected from her family and heritage. She embodies a sense of materialism and ignorance towards her roots, creating conflict with her mother and sister who embrace their heritage in a more authentic and meaningful way.

What happens in the end of the story of everyday use?

In the exposition of the story, the narrator 'Mama', describes the namesake of her daughter Dee. Dee was named after her aunt Dicey, a kind, humble woman who knew how to perform all sorts of tasks on the farm and in the farmhouse.

What event caused Maggie's injuries in everyday use?

Maggie's injuries in "Everyday Use" were caused by a house fire that occurred in their previous home, which her sister Dee accidentally started. Maggie was severely injured and left with burn scars as a result of the fire.

Which artist is known for her story quilts?

Ami Simms and Mary Lou Weidman are both known for story quilts. There may be others.