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Q: What do Internal conflict usually appears inside characters who are?
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Is a external conflict less easy to observe than an internal conflict?

External conflicts typically involve visible actions between characters or a character and their surroundings, making them easier to observe than internal conflicts, which are largely emotional or psychological struggles within a character's mind. Internal conflicts are usually expressed through a character's thoughts, feelings, or inner dialogue, making them less immediately noticeable to an observer.

What is a conflict of a story?

The conflict of each story is usually found at the middle of the story. It is wherein problem arises. The story will end after the conflict is resolved.

What is the antonym for external conflict?

The antonym for external conflict is internal conflict. External conflict is conflict that is caused by an outside force, whereas internal conflict is a conflict that occurs within, a conflict with one's self.

What kind of conflict is man vs himself?

It is usually described as an 'internal conflict'. A good example would be 'Young Goodman Brown' by Nathanial Hawthorne.

What is the external conflict in the medicine bag?

Anatomically, a disease is internal. However, when an author includes a disease to be a conflict among a character or characters, it all depends how the author illustrates the response of the character to the disease. Usually if the disease creates isolation or insanity, you can say that the disease is external cause the character might lose focus on reality and society.

What is a part of a plot that presents background information about the characters and setting?

The exposition is the part of the plot that provides background information about the characters and setting. It usually introduces the main characters, the setting, and the basic conflict of the story.

How does conflict affect?

Setting might affect conflict, but usually the conflict is separate. Setting is just where and when the story is taking place, so that can be anywhere and at any time. Conflict is based more on characters because it comes from what they desire and are prevented from achieving.

How is the plot set in motion?

Plot is usually set in motion by some sort of conflict or crisis.

What is the main problem in a literary work?

The main problem in a literary work is known as the conflict. The classic story arch depends on the conflict, which characters work to solve until it comes to a head in the climax and is usually resolved at the end of the story.

What is an internal conlfict?

A conflict within oneself. They usually have to do with conflicting morals, like trying to figure out what the rightthing to do is. A different sort of example would be the character Sydney Carton's internal conflict in A Tale of Two Cities.He has self-loathing issues and it keeps him from pursuing the woman he loves and drives him to alcoholism.

What is the conflict of the hockey sweater story?

Person against him / herself (internal conflict) as we can see he is feeling guilty and scared

How do you deal with internal conflict?

To deal with internal conflict, it's helpful to identify the root cause of the conflict and try to understand your thoughts and emotions surrounding it. Finding ways to address and resolve the conflict, whether through self-reflection, seeking support from others, or practicing techniques like mindfulness or journaling, can also be beneficial. It's important to be kind to yourself during this process and remember that it's okay to seek professional help if needed.