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A digraph. A digraph is when two consonants make one sound. "Ch," "sh," and "th" are other examples.

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Q: What do you call the pH sound?
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What are Ph words that sound like f?

'Sound like F' Ph WordsSome words that are spelled with a pH that sounds like an f are: pharmacyphenolphialphlebotomyphonephrasephysical

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what is you'r ph# so i can call u

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Where tha tongue twister with pH and gh sound with letter f?

A tongue twister with "ph" and "gh" sounds and the letter "f" is: "Fred fed Phil’s phat pheasant in the phosphorescent light."

Does a conductor have anything to do with pH?

No, a conductor has nothing to do with pH. A conductor is an object or material that conducts heat, light, or sound. pH has to to with a solution's acidity or alkalinity.

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Why does pH make the f sound?

If you think about it really hard, pH doesn't quite make the F sound, but it's own unique sound very similar to F. Speak out loud: The P sound followed by the H sound. Keep going faster: "P---H, P--H, P-H, PH, until the two letters are closely heard next to each other. This is when you should understand why PH makes the F sound and how the letter H makes the letter P sound so much different when placed right after it. You can do the same thing with SH, TH, LK, etc. just think about it out loud.

On a pH scale is acids at the top or bottom?

Acid pH = 1 to 6 > neutral pH = 7 > alkaline pH 8 to 14.It totally depends on what you call: 'top' or 'bottom'

The pH scale is used to?

The decibel scale is used to measure the loudness of sound.

What makes a call sound?

a farting sound

What Other ways of spelling the ffff sound in the English language?

The "f" sound can also be spelled with a "ph," as in "photograph" or "telephone."