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A hyperbole is an exaggeration. Examples: I am so hungry I could eat a cow! I've been waiting in line for centuries!

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Q: What does a hyperbole mean in literary terms?
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What are six literary terms?

Alliteration, hyperbole, simile, pun, oxymoron, and metaphor are six literary terms.

What literary term is exaggeration used to emphasize a point?

Extreme exaggeration used in a literary work is known as hyperbole.

Literary form of exaggeration is also called?

Hyperbole is a literary form of exaggeration. Hyperbole is a figure of speech that adds emphasis through the use of over-the-top language.

What is literary?

it is simile, methpor , hyperbole, and alligertion

What does symbole mean literary terms?

Literary means like the symbol of the flag.

What category does the word hyperbole belong?

Its a literary divice!

Is the ride seamed to last an eternaty a hyperbole?

A Hyperbole is a literary device used to provide emphasis through exaggeration, so yes, that was an example of hyperbole.

Why do righters include hyperbole in literary work?

add humor

What category does the word hyperbole belong in?

Its a literary divice!

What is the literary term for a statement like My dog is the size of your house?

The literary term for a statement like "My dog is the size of your house" is hyperbole, which is an exaggeration or overstatement for effect. It is used to create emphasis or evoke strong emotions in the reader or listener.

What does motivation mean in literary terms?

Motivation in literary terms means that there is a driving force for the story. Motivation will give the characters a reason to live for example.

Which of these terms mean the central message conveyed by a literary work?
