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Q: What does at'oow mean?
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Why was the atoow important in touching spirit bear?

The atoow shows trust and has been handed down through generations

What is an atoow in the book touching spirit bear?

In the book "Touching Spirit Bear," an atoow is a healing ceremony conducted by Tlingit elders to help individuals overcome their inner struggles and find peace within themselves. The atoow involves rituals and traditions that guide the person towards self-discovery and personal growth.

Who gave cole the atoow in touching spirit bear?

Garvey did

Who is Atoow in the book touching spirit bear?

Its a blanket Garvey gives Cole. :)

In the story Touching Spirit Bear what is an atoow?

a blanket that is given to a trusted person

What is an example of personification in touching spirit bear?

the atoow saved cole from fdreezing

What was the atoow's meaning in Touching Spirit Bear?

it shows that the person that it's given to is trusted

Why did garvey give cole the atoow in the book touching spirit bear?

Garvey gave Cole the Atoow, a Native American healing ceremony, as a way to help him confront his past traumas and seek forgiveness. The ceremony is meant to guide Cole on a transformative journey towards healing, self-awareness, and personal growth. By passing on this powerful and symbolic ritual, Garvey hoped to support Cole in his path towards redemption and learning to heal himself.

What are some symbols throughout the book Touching Spirit Bear?

the atoow and thats all i got . its trust because gavin gave him the blanket for trusting.

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What does (.)(.) mean?

you mean what you mean

What does mean mean in statistics?

Mean is the average.