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In slang it means a boy hope this helps

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Q: What does breh mean?
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"Notebook" in Spanish is "libreta" (lee-breh-tah)

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It ain't good breh

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"Добрый вечер" [doh-breh veh-tcher]

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What math terms can help figure out which words mean many and one in Latin?

breh I sadly don't. Know either and its for a quiz and we never learned about Latin and stuff and we are only in 4th grade so how do they think we know Latin?

What does h sound like in spanish?

In Spanish, H's are usually silent. For example, the word "hombre," is pronounced, "OHM-breh."

When is a presidential candidate officially nominated to run for office?

The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November breh! :D

What is the Italian 'breve' in English?

'Brief' or 'short' may be English equivalents of 'breve'. The word in Italian is an adverb. It's pronounced 'BREH-veh'.