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Q: What does dojang mean?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a dojo and a dojang?

Dojo is the Japanese word for 'a place to learn the way'; Dojang is the Korean word for this and Kwan is the Chinese word.

What is the training hall called in Korean?

Dojang written 도장

What do you call a teakwondo's training ground?

In Korean A Dojang (Do-sh-ang)

What is a room that is used for tae kwon do called?

A place where you practice Taekwondo is called a Dojang 도장 (pronounced "doe - jahng). It can be defined as a "gym" or "hall of the way," and applies to the practice room, as well as the building itself.

How do you say Tae Kwon Do studieo in Korean?

A Taekwondo training studio is known as a 'Dojang'

What is the place where instruction in taekwondo takes place called?

The place where instruction in taekwondo takes place is called a dojang.

What is 'martial arts studio' in Korean?

도장 Dojang (pronounced "Doe Jahng") - meaning "Hall of the Way." "Jang" means Hall, and Do is the "way" referring to the way of Martial Art as in "Taekwondo." The term Dojang is sometimes translated as the "Hall of Enlightenment" since the Martial Art is a way of life for the warrior who seeks enlightenment through meditation, introspection, and philosophy.

What is the training hall of Karate called?

For Japanese and Okinawan styles, training is held in a dojo. For a Korean student, the training is held in a dojang.

What is a Korean martial arts school called?

Dojang is the common name used to describe a Korean martial arts training hall / school.

Are you overweight as a 11 year old girl in sixth grade who weighs 111 pounds How can you lose weight with a busy schedule?

you could join a Taekwondo Dojang it works for me because as though i am vietnamese i find Taekwondo a great way to be fit strong lean and tough.

Is there a such thing as a ghost?

If you believe in them, that is your opinion. They are real to you. For other people that don't believe in them, ghosts don't exist to them. People don't know if ghosts are real or not.

Why do you repeat the club oath before you commence Tae Kwon Do training?

Primarily as a constant reminder to the student as to why you train, what the rules and responsibilities are, and that you should be conducting your daily life, inside the dojang as well as out, by following the tenets of Taekwondo. It is also recited as a sign of respect for the instructor and school where you are studying taekwondo.