Extended cuts are referencing parts of a movie that were recorded but did not make the final cut. These "cuts" may be added to the movie, sometimes at the end, and is referred to as the extended cut version.
Cut; to cut down
To curtail can mean to cut short, or cut off a part of something. For example, to curtail a trip would mean to cut short a trip. A synonym to curtail is to cut back.
The root word for section, sectio, is derrived from the Latin word secare (meaning to cut).
Short or cut
a water thats cut
offcourse not..extended cut contains some extra scenes..
You can cut it in half, but it would defeat the purpose of "extended release"
No the theatrical version is
Not if they are extended release (ER)
Extended Family
They are both the same film. The theatrical cut is the 145 minute long version seen in cinemas. The extended cut is six minutes longer, and includes footage previously unseen in theatres.
What do you mean by extended. Are you talking about the the 7th movie. It will be made into two movies.
blue shiny capsule
Two prefixes that mean "cut" or "cut out" are "dis-" and "ab-".
To increase in length or to be extended (to get bigger)
Extended Cargo?