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It means, they want to know if you like the apples.

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Q: What does how do you like them apples mean?
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What does how do like them apples mean?

It means, they want to know if you like the apples.

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In maths what does per mean?

Like if it said 4 apples per a bag. That means for apples for a bag. So in that sentence it would mean for.

What is the meaning of the phrase apples to apples comparison?

There is an expression "like comparing apples to oranges," which is used of false comparisons and inaccurate analogies. "Apples to apples" comparison would mean comparing things that really are similar.

In the sentence you like apples is apples a noun or pronoun?

"You like apples" You is the pronoun. Apples is a noun. Like is a verb. Can you guess what the subject is? Hint is it not apples.

Is it he does not like bananas or apples or bananas and apples?

Both are right but the meanings are different. 'He does not like bananas or apples' asserts two things: 'He does not like bananas'; 'He does not like apples.' He does not like bananas and apples means that he does not like bananas and apples together (eaten at the same time).

What food like horse?

If you mean, What foods do horses like, then they like: Hay, Wheat, Straw, etc. And for good treats they like: Carrots, Apples, and Sugar Cubes, which carrots and apples can also be apart of the diet.

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What does the idiom apples to apples mean?

It means there has been no change. You`re trading apples for apples, there`s nothing new.

What do red apples taste like?

They tend to taste like apples. More specificaly Red Love Apples.

What do red love apples taste like?

They tend to taste like apples. More specificaly Red Love Apples.

What does out of mean in math?

It could mean subtraction, but usually it just refers to a subcatagory in a catagory. Like if I said that I have 10 apples, "out of" those 10 apples, 5 are rotten. How many are not rotten? Meaning 10 - 5 = 5