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Caning is a form of corporal punishment where the offender is struck repeatedly on the buttocks with a cane.

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Q: What does it mean to cane someone?
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Which fruit grows on a cane?

Do you mean sugar? That groes on a cane!

What does cane mean in French?

"Cane" in French typically refers to a female duck.

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What does NTUC mean?

It means 'NOT TO USE CANE' !

Does pimpa mean dog in Italian?

No, "pimpa" does not mean dog in Italian. The word for dog in Italian is "cane."

What crop was the cane toad supposed to protect?

Cane toads were actually supposed to protect the sugar canes. but instead, they didn`t. They had to protect the sugar cane because of the can beetles, which lived underneath the crop, and blocked all the water out, which caused it to go all yellow, and then collasped. The suger cane i mean. Branidi out.

What does chatarra el baston mean?

My guess is that you have the words arranged incorrectly. "Chatarra" is like scrap metal, and "bastón" is a cane. Él bastón chatarra would mean "the metal cane" (implying that the metal is scrap metal.)

What is a word that describes A Mean Stingy Old Man?

Misanthrope. Miserly. Geezer. John McCain. Someone who shouts "Get off my lawn!" while waving his cane. cheapskate, greedy, ungenerous, scrooge

What does cana mean in spanish?

cana = white hair caña = cane

What greases grows the tallest?

If you mean grasses then probably sugar cane or bamboo.

What does the french word canne mean in English?

It can mean a walking stick or sugar cane (canne à sucre)

Is Sugar Cane the Same as Cane Sugar?

Cane Sugar is the sugar that is refined from the juice of Sugar Cane. Sugar Cane is a plant. Cane Sugar is a product.