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Many shared interests.

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Q: What does it mean when two people have a lot in common?
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Can two people who have to much in common be in a relationship?

It sounds to me that it's self-explanatory. In other words, I don't think so. Answer It depends on the two people...thats all. Having a lot in common helps the relationship to grow.

What does it mean if you fight with a girl a lot?

If you fight a lot with a girl then you two probalbly aren't meant to be friends or in a relationship. Hang out with people that you have fun with, not ones that anger you.

In Elizabethan what does common kissing mean?

Common kissing can be one of two things: 1. someone who kisses the way common, vulgar people do 2. someone who kisses somebody's "common". i will NOT discuss what that means!!

What happens if two people have mostly everything in common?

No one can say precisely what would happen with any certainty. Having things in common does not mean the two people will automatically get on well with each other

Why does conflict has the potential to create strong bonds between people mean?

It means that people who do not get along well and fight a lot are not necessarily enemies. That means they could actually become closer by having an argument. Some people just live that way - they fight but they really love each other. Alternatively, it could mean conflict between two people could actually cause two other people to become better friends and more intimate. For instance, if I fight with someone and someone else agrees with my point of view, it's likely the two of us will get along when discovering we have a lot in common and that will mean we established bonds between us due to conflict with someone else.

What having something in common mean?

when two people or a group of people share something similar with one another. For, example two people may both like eating chocolate or a group of people may be from the same country.

Do a lot of people have a third nipple?

Yes, extra nipples are very common. Depending on the place where the study was done, the incidence can range from one in two hundred to one in twenty people.

Is a lot one word or two?

It's two words. Just like "a car" or "a sausage". A lot of people get this wrong.two, "a lot"

What does it mean to share a border?

to have a common dividing line between two places

Is a lot one word?

NO it is two words not one! A lot of people do that, even me.

Is a lot one word or two words?

"A lot" is two words when used to refer to a large number or quantity. For example, "There were a lot of people at the concert."

Is a lot one word or two if you were to use it in a sentence like you had a lot of fun?

A lot is always two words. "Alot" is a very common spelling mistake and does not exist in any English dictionary.