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Moral choice is the choice made for the common good. Films like Avatar and Dexter show characters making moral choice.

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Q: What does moral choice mean?
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What does it mean to make a moral choice?

A decision becomes a moral dilemma when the decision leads to the breaching some kind of moral principal.

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What is moral choice?

Moral choice refers to decisions individuals make based on moral principles or values. It involves considering what is right or wrong, ethical or unethical, and choosing actions that align with one's personal or societal moral standards. Making a moral choice often involves weighing the potential consequences of actions on oneself and others.

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What does it mean to a moral?

Being moral means acting in accordance with principles of right and wrong behavior, ethics, and values. It involves making decisions and taking actions that align with what is considered ethical or virtuous in a given context.

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When there is a choice of behavior involving human values

How business ethics and business law interact with one another?

Ethics is about what we should or should not do, what is moral or "right." Law tells us what we must or must not do, what is legal. A legal choice is not always a moral choice, and a moral choice may even be an illegal one. So, business law is influenced by business ethics, but the two are often at odds.

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Both involve moral dilemmas. A moral dilemma is a choice between two options that violate one's moral principles.

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What is the legacy of Hercules at the crossroads?

It is up to every individual to make a moral choice.

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What does it mean to dream about one clean and one dirty suitcase?

The suitcases in this dream probably represent a choice confronting the dreamer. "Clean" or "dirty" suggest that the choice has a moral element to it, with one option involving some sort of dishonesty or possible corruption.