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MEAN ignoble - being mean signify - mean
R mean reastate the question. A mean answer it. F mean for example. F mean for example. T mean this show that. RAFFT that what it mean in Ela
The two girls were very mean to me. This is a sentence containing the word mean.
Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This is a corruption of "opinion." It means to give your opinion. "I opine that's not the best whiskey," the cowboy said with disgust.
"Opine" is an intransitive verb, and in all cases it can replace the phrase "give the opinion". It doesn't have a direct object. You can't opine someone, but you can opine aboutsomeone.You might write an article about the virtues of the macroeconomic theory of Keynes, to which I would opine that Keynes was an idiot and that Friedman has already refuted him.
Speak out, express, articulate, opine.
People often opine that Bach would have " reveled in the modern age.
"Opine" means to express one's opinion or belief about something. It is often used in written or spoken language to indicate that the following statement is the speaker's personal viewpoint.
To express an opinion.
To have an opinion; to judge; to think; to suppose.
"Opine" is one possibility.
Opine v. -- to offer an opinion.
The "Pl" is the domain code for Poland (.pl).