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how the problem ends, who wins, how its solved
The finishing of any unknowns.
how the problem was solved

  1. is what happens at the end of the story it occurs after the climax it is what happens to the characters after the conflict is resolved
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Candace Okuneva

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2y ago
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15y ago

The conclusion, the denouement- the way the plot is ( Wrapped up) and everything explained away at the end of the tale- for example the resolution is ( How it comes out) in laymen"s terms. for the Spector saga, the resolution is conviction for Murder II.

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12y ago

Resolution is the part of the story's plot line in which the problem of the story is resolved or worked out. This occurs after the falling action and is typically where the story ends.

its basically the end of the story..evertthing gets resolved like the conclusion

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14y ago

It is the point in the stories plot line where the original conflict is solved. The problem in the story is resolved.

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13y ago

It is the part in a story or plot in which the conflict and/or problems are being RESOLved! It is between the climax and the conclusion.

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11y ago

At the end of a story, all the lose ends are tied up - this is the story resolution.

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14y ago

The solving of problems.

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11y ago

conclusion, closing

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Smally Aku

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Q: What does resolution mean in story elements?
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The end of a story contains the last plot element: the resolution.

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The end of a story contains the last plot element: the resolution.

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The elements of a story typically include characters (who the story is about), setting (where and when the story takes place), plot (the sequence of events), conflict (the problem that drives the story), theme (the central message or idea), and resolution (how the conflict is resolved). These elements work together to create a cohesive and engaging narrative.

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The ending of a story or the resolution of an event.

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Yes, the plot of a story is typically based on short story elements such as exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. These elements help to structure the story and create a compelling narrative for the reader.

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Which are elements of plot structure that the reader can study in order to understand the resolun?

The elements of plot structure that readers can study to understand the resolution include the exposition (introduction of characters and setting), rising action (conflict development), climax (turning point of the story), falling action (events leading to the resolution), and resolution (unraveling of the conflict and conclusion). By analyzing these elements, readers can grasp how the story's conflicts are resolved and how the narrative concludes.