No, the noun 'volleyball' is a common noun, a general word for a type of sport, a general word for a type of ball.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing; for example, the Molten FLISTATEC Volleyball or "Thinking Volleyball" by Mike Hebert.
The noun 'volleyball' is a common, concrete, singular noun as a word for a type of ball. The noun 'volleyball' is a common, abstract, uncountable noun as a word for a sport.
Republic of SerbiaAnother answer:RS can stand for many things, including:* Runescape (game) * Runs Scores (sports) * Rolling Stone (magazine) * Resolution * Russia * Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) * Restore (assembly language ASM51 assembler control) * Right Side * Rupees (Indian, Sri Lankan, & Pakistan currency) * Result Set * Remote Sensing * Roadside (vehicle design) * Railway Station * Religious Studies * Royal Society * Red Sea * Radio Shack See the Related Link below. Another answer: RS can also stand for religious studies
The noun 'volleyball' is an abstractnoun as a word for a type of game or sport; a word for the sum total of rules, teams, space, and equipment used to play the game.The noun 'volleyball' is a concretenoun as a word for a specific type of ball used in a specific sport.
The "op" is short for "opposite". Most of the time, it's seen as "Opp", or "RS", which is short for "Right Side" because opposite and right side is the same position.
rally sport
The 3 R's stand for: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Perhaps the 3 Rs now stand for something else, but originally, the 3 Rs stood for (R)eading, w(R)iting, and a(R)ithmetic.
Ds, oh, rs, lb, rb, lb ,st
Rally Sport
Rally Sport
It stands for Rupees.