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it means a baseword that is a a short word plus a suffix that makes it schwa sound

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Q: What does short to schwa mean?
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Related questions

What is the schwa vowel sound in substitute?

The schwa sound in "substitute" is the sound of the unstressed "uh" vowel, like the "a" in "sofa." It is a very neutral, mid-central vowel sound that often occurs in unstressed syllables in English words.

Does the word motive have a schwa sound?

No. The syllable -ive is usually considered a short I, not a schwa.

Is there a short vowel in blister?

The I has a short I sound. The E is a schwa.

Where is the schwa sound in memory?

The e has a short e sound. The o in most pronunciation is schwa.

Is apple a short or long vowel?

"Apple" contains a short vowel sound, specifically the short "a" sound.

Does gallon have a schwa sound?

Yes. The A has a short A sound. The O has the schwa or unstressed vowel sound (un).

What animal names have a short e sound?

There are several, including: -- elephant (first E) -- leopard (the OE pair) -- birds such as the wren, woodpecker, pheasant, and meadowlark (the EA pair) -- gazelle -- hedgehog

What is the schwa vowel in privilege?

The second I is a schwa sound. The first E is pronounced as a short I and the final E is silent.

Does the word scratch make a schwa sound?

No, the word "scratch" does not have a schwa sound. The "a" in "scratch" makes a short /æ/ sound.

Does comma have the schwa sound?

no it has the short a sound at the end

Is preside a long to schwa word?

No, it is a short-then-long vowel word (prih-ZYD). The E has a short I sound, the i has a long i sound, and the final E is silent. There is no schwa.

What is the difference between schwa and short U sounds in American English?

The schwa sound is a neutral, mid-central vowel sound, like the 'uh' sound in 'sofa'. The short U sound is a tense, slightly higher vowel sound, like the 'uh' sound in 'put'. Both sounds can occur in unstressed syllables, but the schwa sound is more relaxed and lower in pitch compared to the short U sound.