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Omega is the 24th and last letter of the Greek alphabet. In the Greek numeric system, it has a value of 800. The word literally means "great O" as opposed to Omicron, which means "little O".

Omega is often used to denote the last, the end, or the ultimate limit of a set, in contrast to Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet. In the New Testament book of Revelation, God is declared to be the "alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last".

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Q: What does the omega mean?
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May 11 and The Alpha and The Omega?

The Alpha and the Omega mean God is the beginning and the end.

What does the word omega mean in the English dictonary?

The end. Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.

What does the omega symbol look like?

If by omega, you mean the letter in the greek alphabet, than it looks like a horeshoe facing downwardthe symbol for omega is Ω.

How is Alpha and Omega used in Christianity today?

Alpha and Omega are used to refer to Jesus Christ, who is referred to in the Bible as the beginning and the end; which is what alpha and omega mean, respectively.

What does omegas mean?

Omega is a letter of the Greek alphabet.

What does omega 3 mean?

Omega 3 is a (how can i put it) vitamin? I guess. That comes from fish oil. It's good for your brain

How far is Omega from earth?

I think you mean the Omega nebula. That's estimated to be about 5000 to 6000 light years away from Earth.

How do you convert omega into voltage?

Define omega. If you mean the greek letter omega, the symbol for ohms, then voltage (volts) is current (amperes) times resistance (ohms). This is ohm's law. If there is any other intended meaning for omega, then please restate the question.

In the angular momentum equasion what does the lower case omega mean?

the equation of angular momentum is L=I*w (w=omega=angular velocity)

What does omega mean in greek?

Omega is the last letter in the ancient Greek alphabet. Also has a meaning of o-mega which means great (or grand) "o". In contrast with Omicron (o-mikron) which literaly means small (or little or lesser) "o".

Does the greek word omega mean resistance?

Omega is just the name of a letter. If you want to be analytical about it, it means "long o." There is no other meaning in the word.