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It means something you said made an emotional impact on the person, as if you had poked a nerve and gotten a reaction.

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It means something you said made an emotional impact on the person, as if you had poked a nerve and gotten a reaction.

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The phrase 'a lot of nerve' refers to having a lack of regard for social protocol preventing certain actions.

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"Get your nerve from a can" is not a common expression or phrase in English. It may be a metaphorical way of saying to summon courage or confidence, similar to a phrase like "steel your nerves." However, without more context, it is difficult to provide a precise meaning.

What is the origin of the phrase you have a lot of nerve?

how dare you. you are out of line.

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Beginning with the past participle "struck," you could write a participial phrase like this: "Struck by the news, she was speechless."

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What is the nerve in your neck that helps you sleep?

As far as I know, there isn't a nerve in your neck that will help you sleep. That is more of a chemical reaction in your brain. There is, however, a nerve behind your mandible (jaw) that, if struck properly, will sometimes cause unconsciousness. That nerve is called the Auricular branch of the Vagus nerve.

When you use the phrase prey what does it mean?

That is not a phrase

What does motor nerve mean?

A motor nerve is part of the nervous system that moves muscles.

What does struck you dumb with dread mean?

The phrase "struck you dumb with dread" typically means to be rendered speechless or paralyzed by fear or dread. It suggests that the intensity of the fear is so great that it temporarily inhibits one's ability to speak or react.