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Ribosomal - This is where ribosomes assemble proteins.

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Q: What does the r stand for in rRNA?
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What is the r role of 23S rRNA of 50S RNA?

the 50S rRNA particle forms the large subunit of E. coli ribosomes while the 23S rRNA is a component of the 50S rRNA.

What type of RNA is most abudant?

Ribosomal RNA. rRNA.

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The R in the RSPAC stand for Royal.

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Actually it's more commonly abbreviated rDNA instead. This is just the notation they use - along with mRNA, rRNA, cDNA, etc.

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THe R's stand for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

RRNA is always attached to the rough ER?

No . cytoplasm also contain rrna .

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What is rRNA?

Ribosomal ribonucleic (rRNA) is RNA that forms part of ribosomes. rRNA plays a role in translation, in which mRNA's codons and tRNA's anticodons are used to build a protein.

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What step does the R in PRICES stand for?

What step does the R in PRICES stand for? Why is this step important?

What is made of protein and r-RNA?

Ribosomes. Ribosomes are made up of two subunits, each of those are made up of strands of rRNA and protiens.