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Idk idk idk idk hogchocog o coco o have ig kydts

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Q: What does the simile she is as pretty as a picture mean?
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What is a simile for pretty?

As pretty as a picture As pretty as paint Hope this is some help to you.

What is a simile for pretty as?

As pretty as a picture As pretty as paint Hope this is some help to you.

As pretty as a picture is a figure of what type of speech?

I believe this is a simile.

Is 'The picture was as familiar as the doormat' a simile or metaphor?


What does this simile mean. A great potato of a woman?

Maybe means if the woman is pretty fat? Sorry I can't help you.

What does AWW mean in text?

it mean your very pretty or cute or i like your picture

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What does the simile ' clouds looked like puffs of cotton' mean?

The simile 'clouds looked like puffs of cotton' means that the clouds were fluffy and soft in appearance, similar to the texture of cotton. It paints a vivid picture of the clouds as light, airy, and billowy in the sky.

How do i decorate my converse?

If you mean your converse shoes, You can drawing pretty picture on it. Then let it dry. I did it before

Is pretty as a princess a idiom?

Think about this and you can figure it out. An idiom is something that SEEMS to mean something totally different than what it does. Does this phrase mean exactly what it says? Yes, it means that someone is as pretty as a princess. If you see the words "like" or "as" or "than" you're looking at a simile.

What are some examples using simile?

A simile is a phrase comparing two things using like or as. EX: As pretty as a celebrity. As wet as rain.

What is a simile for speed?

You probably didn't mean simile but you meant synonym?Agility or velocity