PRO - Acronym for "Progressive Rotating Order." A PRO number is assigned to each individual shipment and serves as a tracking number.
There are many different possible organizations and businesses that the acronym ICAN could stand for. This acronym could stand for the International Cesarean Awareness Network. This acronym could also stand for the Independent Community Arts Network.
Letters that stand for parts of a name are called initials.
There is no acronym with the letters CORNER. It does not stand for anything because it does not exist. No concept or organization uses the acronym CORNER.
San Antonio International Airport
PRO - Acronym for "Progressive Rotating Order." A PRO number is assigned to each individual shipment and serves as a tracking number.
Saia was created in 1924.
Saia's motto is 'Your potential. Our passion.'.
There are many different possible organizations and businesses that the acronym ICAN could stand for. This acronym could stand for the International Cesarean Awareness Network. This acronym could also stand for the Independent Community Arts Network.
Letters that stand for parts of a name are called initials.
There is no acronym with the letters CORNER. It does not stand for anything because it does not exist. No concept or organization uses the acronym CORNER.
Aaron Saia is 5' 10".
Nicole Saia is 5' 10".
Saia is an Italian name influenced by Turkish culture that means literally "skirt-maker," though generally referred to a member of the noble guild of tailors based in and around Venice. The Saia family split during the Italian Renaissance, with the majority staying in Northern Italy, while a smaller portion moved to Sicily. In the early 1900s there was a mass exodus of the Sicilian branch to America. The large trucking company is part of that Sicilian branch, while there are many of the Northern Italian Saias scattered across Europe and North America.
SAP = Substance Abuse Professional