You can use the word feces in a sentence to mean excrement.
Just use it! Or do you mean, can you use the word beheld in a sentence.
The two girls were very mean to me. This is a sentence containing the word mean.
This is not an English word. Perhaps you mean "bald," as in "He was a bald headed man." You might just mean "bad," as in "That is a bad sentence."
Your an unrelieable, mean person.
You are likely to fail at life because you can't think of a sentence to use the word likely in.
your less likely to get laid then a tramp
The sentence is: What does the word lamentation mean? Do you like it?
It depends on the sentence. If it is in a sentence with another word, then your answer is most likely yes.
I believe that clamour means to demand noisily, or persistently, in an excited or angry way. Or, to shout at the same time as other people, causing a loud noise. I don't believe that the sufix -ed, can be added to the word though.
It is a term of endearment meaning "My Queen".
You can use the word feces in a sentence to mean excrement.
what does the word transfunsion mean
It depends on the sentence. If it is in a sentence with another word, then your answer is most likely yes.
In that sentence it has no meaning whatsoever.
that bully is mean
A sentence using the word "paramour" is: What the heck does paramour mean?