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VANDALISM is the deliberate damage or defacement of property, especially that in public view. The meaning comes from the destruction of Roman edifices and structures by the barbarian Vandals who sacked Rome in the 5th Century AD. "Graffiti" may be designed as vandalism (to denigrate the affected structures), or as counter-culture art in itself.

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A vandal is a person who willfully or ignorantly destroys or mars something beautiful or valuable.

The word derives from an East Germanic tribe, or group of tribes, who ravaged Gaul and Spain establishing kingdoms, ultimately settling in North Africa. By 439 CE, their kingdom included the Roman province of Africa as well as the Mediterranean islands of Corsica, Malta, Sardinia, Sicily, and the Balearic Islands. Their infamy went viral when they sacked- and looted- the city of Rome in 455.

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The Vandals tribe.

Where did the word vandalism come from?

Vandalism stems from the word Vandals who were members of a Germanic tribe who conquered Spain, North Africa and Rome around 455 AD. They were defeated at Carthage in 533 AD

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How do use the word vandalism in a sentence?

Vandalism is the act of intentionally damaging or destroying property belonging to someone else, often resulting in financial loss or emotional distress. A sentence using the word could be: "The graffiti on the building was considered vandalism and the authorities were called to investigate."

What does vandcalism mean?

Vandalism is willful wanton and malicious destruction of the property of others.

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vandalism,hurt,there's just so much