The word zebra has two syllables.
Yes, zebra is a noun. Side note: that is a common noun, a certain species of zebra is a proper noun
The lion ate the zebra carcasses.
Wambui Micore is a kikuyu word which means a Zebra.
No, the word 'zebra' is a common noun, a word for any zebra anywhere.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, thing, or a title; for example:Zebra Place, Staten Island, NY or Zebra Road, Gretna, VAZebra Lounge, Flushing, NYZebra Brand Basmati Rice"Zebra" by Clark Howard and "The Zebra Murders" by Prentice Earl Sanders and Bennett Cohen; true crime novels about a 1970s killing spree in San Francisco
zebra = zebra (sometimes spelled sebra)
Waboi mucore is the Kikuyu word for the English word zebra.
a zebra = un zèbre
there is no compound word in English ending with zebra. I looked in the dictionary.
The word zebra has two syllables.
there is no compound word in English ending with zebra. I looked in the dictionary.
The word 'zebra' isシマウマ (shimauma) in Japanese.
"das Zebra"It remains the same as in many European languages.
zebra swag means your a stripey gangster.