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It means you don't support your country.

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Q: What does unpatriotic mean?
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Is it non patriotic or unpatriotic?


What is the part of speech for unpatriotic?

"Unpatriotic" and its antonym, "patriotic", are both adjectives.

Can an unpatriotic person still get US citizenship?

Everyone who has ever changed their citizenship has been unpatriotic to their old country.

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How could you Use unpatriotic in a sentence?

Americans would be considered to be unpatriotic if they were to remain sitting while saying the Pledge of Allegiance, unless they are handicapped or injured.

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Why did somebody write a really mean letter to the Dixie Chicks?

Because at a concert, Natalie told the audience that the Dixie Chicks were 'ashamed of the President (Bush)' for the war. Some people were angry, thinking that this was unpatriotic.

What should you be doing during The Pledge of Allegiance?

Sleeping zoning out cursing not paying attention and anything unpatriotic!

How did George H W Bush. portray Michael Dukakis in the 1988 election?

Unpatriotic Dukakis is soft on crime

When did the loyalists get kicked out?

If you mean the 'loyalists', which were pro-British colonists during the American Revolution, then they were never kicked out. Some were considered unpatriotic, which was only true in some cases, but most loyalists stayed in the colonies and were declared Americans after the war.

Did people go on strikes after the bombing of pearl harbor?

Strikes would have been considered unpatriotic at that particular time and moment.