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You make a line up the middle then a loop at the top make a bowl with a point then come down and make it out another point to the left and come out. :) SmIlEy FaCe GiRl!

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Q: What does uppercase G in cursive look like?
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What is an upper case q in cursive?

How to write q in cursive-first, you need to basically draw an o and stop when you touch the beginning of where you started.Then you go down and create a tail like on a p or a g or a y. Except on the right.After that you just add a flick and proceed to the next letter. (If you are writing a word)Then you have written yourself a perfect q!

How do you write a capital a in cursive?

Kind of like a loop-de-loop, except taller and thinner.

How do you write a G in cursive?

Cursive Capital G

How is a capitalize j written in cursive?

here you go!

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Who does god look like?

First of all, you forgot to, or purposely forgot to uppercase "G" in God, that is showing disrespect second, NO ONE KNOWS WHAT GOD LOOKS LIKE! GOD IS IN HEAVEN, HEAVEN IS OUT OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM, WE HAVE ONLY TRAVELED TO THE MOON!

How do you write a capital g in cursive?

There are images on the pages at the related links below.

How do you do a capital G in cursive?

You start with a loop and go down, then curve up :-)

What does a cursive G look like?

Here's a link to a worksheet you can print off. You don't have to print it off or anything, but it shows every single letter for the alphabet. Hope this helps, `Elle

What does cursive g look like?

Here's a link to a worksheet you can print off. You don't have to print it off or anything, but it shows every single letter for the alphabet. Hope this helps, `Elle

What do g and y and b have in common when written in lowercase cursive italic?

When written in lowercase cursive italic, the letters g, y, and b all have a looped or curved shape that descends below the baseline of the text.