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I wore pens in my pocket, what figure of speech is this?

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Q: What figure of speech is the sentence i wore a pen in your pocket?
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I think this means a figure of speech, or a hyperbole is an extravagant exaggeration.

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In this sentence, Sam and you is the subject and wore your suits is the predicate. Same, you, and suits are nouns. Wore is a verb.

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The word down is a noun in that sentence.

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Often is an adverb, and wore is a verb.

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Often is an adverb, and wore is a verb.

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Yes this is a sentence because it does have a subject (Todd) and a predicate (wore).subject- what the sentence is aboutpredicate- what the subject does or did

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symbolically, An adverb is the part of speech that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb. In this case, "symbolically" modifies the how they protested and how they wore their clothes.

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On Monday the boss wore a plain tie, but today he wore a striped tie.

What type of figure of speech He wore canoes on his feet?

This is an example of a hyperbole. (pronounced high PUHR bowl y) A hyperbole is an extravagant exaggeration. EX: He drug half the lake out with him. -meaning he was sopping wet.

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i will just wore in nice shirt