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the word "I"

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Q: What great discovery does Equality make in chapter 11?
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What great discovery does anthem make in chapter 11 in the book anthem?

In Chapter 11 of the book "Anthem" by Ayn Rand, the protagonist discovers the meaning of the word "I" and begins to understand the concept of individualism. He realizes the importance of self-identity and personal freedom, leading to a profound shift in his understanding of the world around him.

In lord of the flies what discovery do they make at the ledge that excites jack in chapter 6?

In Chapter 6 of "Lord of the Flies," Jack discovers a large rock that can be pushed from the ledge to create a landslide, thus providing a potential defense mechanism against Ralph's group. This discovery excites Jack because it gives him a sense of power and control over their surroundings.

What year did Amerigo make his discovery?

his discovery was in 1500.

What great discovery did Neolithic people make about fire?

Neolithic people discovered how to make fire by using friction methods, such as rubbing sticks together or using a fire drill. This discovery revolutionized their ability to cook food, stay warm, and protect themselves from predators, leading to significant advancements in their daily lives and social organization.

What was the importance of intensification in the Neolithic age?

Intensification in the Neolithic age was important as it led to the development of agriculture and animal domestication. This allowed societies to produce more food, leading to population growth, settlements, and social complexity. Intensification also contributed to the transition from hunter-gatherer lifestyles to settled agricultural communities.

How did the Dutch solve the problem of paying for expensive voyages of discovery?

They have a great store [supply] of maize or Indian wheat whereof they make good bread

What is the importance of the discovery?

What discovery? Put in the title what is the importance of blah blah's discovery? Make a new question that someone can freaking answer!!

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What did FDR do to cause African-American to change party allegiance?

Make the Democratic Party the party of racial equality.

What is the relationship between a chapter and a unit?

Units make up the chapter.

What was the goal of the ERA?

Make gender equality a constitutional right.