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Q: What is a desecrt constrast?
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A compare and constrast essay should compare and constrast items that have some relation to one another what topics of a compare and constrast essay do not seem to have some logical?

Books, beverages, and igneous rocks

Is the word contrast an adjective?

Constrast is a noun and verb ( Constrasting is an adjective. )

Compare and constrast their eyes were watching god and farewell to arms books?

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Compare and contrast between lady bracknell and miss prism's characters?

compare and constrast Lady Bracknell and Ms. Prism

What are synonyms for distinction?

difference, constrast, variation, discrepancy, dissimilarity excellence, importance, fame, merit, prominence, greatness, eminence, repute

What is the synonym for foil?

Meaning 1: thwart, stop, defeat, disappoint, counter, frustrate, hamper Meaning 2: complement, relief, constrast, antithesis

What is the synonym of the word foil?

Meaning 1: thwart, stop, defeat, disappoint, counter, frustrate, hamper Meaning 2: complement, relief, constrast, antithesis

How is foreign trade affected by currency appreciation?

If a currency is appreciated, the import of the country gets benefits because high value of currency helps to reduce money to pay for imported goods. In constrast, appreciated currency will harm export. Ref:

What is a heterogeneous relationship?

A heterogeneous relationship is a relationship that involves two or more species. For example, competition for food between two sepecies would be a heterogeneous relationship. In constrast, a homogeneous relationship is the opposite, a relationship with only one species such as a flock of one species of bird or a herd of one species.

Compare and constrast autosomes and sex chromosome?

Autosomes are the somatic chromosomes which control the body characters or somatic characters and sex chromosomes help in the determination of sex at the time of gametic union to form the zygote.

What is the difference between bourbon and scotch?

They're different styles of whisk(e)y. Bourbon is made primarily in the US while scotch can only be made in Scotland. Scotches have different flavor profiles depending on which part of Scotland the whisky is distilled, but should still have a smoky flavor. Bourbon usually tastes sweeter in constrast.

What is the definition of mass produced furniture?

Mass produced furniture can also be called "assembly-line furniture". This is furniture such as beds, tables, sofas and other items that have thousands of copies made in a factory. In constrast, artisan or craftsman furniture is an original and singular piece of furniture that was made one at a time by one or a few skilled carpenters - the item will not be copied in large volumes.