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A glossary is a list of words used in a book and their definitions.

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Q: What is a glossary of a book?
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What is a glossary used for?

A glossary is a dictionary at the back of a book, defining words found in that book.

What is a glossary a list of?

A glossary is a list of terms usually at the back of a text book or a normal book!!

Sentence of the word glossary?

A glossary is a list of terms with their definitions, often found at the end of a book or document to help readers understand unfamiliar words or concepts in the text.

What is an example of a glossary definition?

The dictionary at the back of the book is the Glossary.

What is a glossary and where is located in a book?

A glossary is an alphabetical list of terms and their definitions that are important to the book. It is usually in the back of the book, before the index.

What is a glossary and where is it found?

a glossary is like a dictionary of all the important words in the back of the book.

What is an example of a sentence using the word glossary?

A glossary is a little dictionary of terms used in a book.I didn't understand the meaning of that word and had to look in the glossary.The glossary will tell you what all of the foreign words in this story mean.

Parts of the book with meaning?


Does a glossary defines a word?

Yes, a glossary defines a word, usually found in the back of the book.

Where would you find the glossary in a book?

The glossary is usually located at the end of a book, after the main text and any appendices or notes. It provides definitions of key terms and concepts used in the book for readers' reference.

What comes first index or glossary?

Glossary comes first. (I am looking at the 'contents' page in my book)

What is the list of definitions in the back of the book?

a glossary